Tuesday 10 September 2019

Using Money to Kickstart a Good Habit

Any time I start a new hobby, habit, or “interest” that I know will inevitably benefit me as a person, whether that means my physical health, my emotional and mental health, or even my perspective on the world and interaction with people, I tend to buy something that’s a little more expensive in an attempt to “force” myself into doing the habit or hobby.

Now, I know at first glance this can seem a bit like a bad decision, especially if you have a personality that loves to bounce from one new thing to the next (which I definitely can admit I used to do). However, if you’ve been able to see the faults of that past like I have, there’s nothing better than dropping some cash you can afford to spend on something that’s higher dollar for a new habit.

If you’re still confused on what exactly it is I mean, I’ll give you the example of my new running habit. I have always hated running, to the point that I would’ve done any other single cardio exercise to meet whatever cardio needs I wanted to achieve. But I decided to finally pull the trigger on a really nice pair of running shoes to kickstart my running habits. After ordering a few other things online to go along with my shoes (like running socks), I eagerly awaited the shipping boxes that would end up on my doorstep.

Day 1 after receiving everything I needed and ripping through the few shipping boxes I ordered, I was out on a trail running a little bit.

And that’s all it took to get me into running. I’m now into my 9th week of running and will be timing myself on a 5K run later today, and I couldn’t be happier, more excited, and even any healthier than I feel now. I’ve seen myself lose weight, get stronger, and my mood has improved significantly from day to day.

It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you just make yourself do something. For me, it was making the purchase for a really nice pair of shoes. There’s no way I was going to let $100+ shoes sit there unused considering the price I paid for them. Now, here I am running 5Ks all the way through.

If someone asked you if you would pay $100 for a healthier body, mindset, and lifestyle, you would not hesitate to take them up on that offer. Well, that’s essentially what I did. Why not give it a try yourself?